Since 2021, the Rotary Club of Charlottetown has been sponsoring 1 meal per month at the Upper Room Soup Kitchen in Charlottetown. 3-4 Rotary volunteers spend 2.5 hours once a month serving the cooked dinner at the soup kitchen.
In 2022, the Rotary Club of Charlottetown proudly served 1090 meals!
A big thank you to Rotarian, Najam Chishti, who has spearheaded this initiative. Every month Najam purchases the food items needed and delivers it to the Upper Room. The meal is then cooked by staff and Rotary volunteers help serve the meal along with dessert, milk, juice, tea, and coffee. The menu is always healthy and different everytime and has been much appreciated by the guests. From spaghetti and meatballs to parmesan chicken with pasta, the meals are always nutritious and delicious!