
Craig Bradley (Treasurer), Rick Gallant (Incoming President), Edna Reid (Outgoing President), Kim Nickerson (Incoming Secretary)


wh-4p-ol   Rotary Club of Charlottetown  

July 7, 2014         Changeover Meeting

President Edna opened the meeting with the Island Hymn and Rotary grace.

Sargent of Arms, Dale Turner collected happy dollars from happy Rotarians.

Incoming President Rick Gallant gave the secretary report. 41 members present, 1 scooter, 2 make ups.

President Edna gave her last President's report.

  • She noted Rotarians Wayne Hambly and Daphne Dumont were inducted into the Order of Canada recently.
  • Edna congratulated Larry Sider on his recent nuptials.
  • July 28th Rotarian BBQ at Camp Gencheff.
  • Edna noted seven birthdays, wedding anniversaries and rotary anniversaries.
  • Edna thanked those who helped to make this a successful rotary year.
  • Edna introduced all past presidents and asked them to stand and be recognized by fellow Rotarians.
  • She noted the clubs accomplishments of the past year which included fellowship events, new members, 2 fundraising events, noontime auctions, weekly bulletins, quarterly business meetings, first rate speakers sharing their experiences including our own Rotarians, a Remembrance Day program, seniors Christmas dinner and seniors viewing stand for the Gold Cup Parade, youth exchange inbounder Marie Gunn and outbounder Isaac Cox, Easter Seals sales raised $155,000.
  • Top ticket sellers for our fundraiser, Kingsley Lewis, Peter Norton, and Nelson Hagerman.

President Edna presented the following;

  • A Distinguished Service Citation for David Scales honoring his 52 years of Rotary service.
  • Certificates to her board of directors, committee chair and co-chairs.
  • Rotarians of the Year, Peter Boswell and Craig Bradley.

President Edna’s final order of business was to introduce Rick Gallant as the new President of the Charlottetown Rotary Club.

President Rick stated he was honored and delighted to become the 96th President of the club. He noted many goals for his upcoming Rotary year which include;

  • continue with fellowship events for the club to share a meal and socialize together
  • A fellowship event for all PEI clubs
  • focus on the members that we have in our club and ensure that what we are doing as a club is in line with what our members want to be doing
  • speakers lined up early and confirmed up to December 2014
  • fundraising will continue and Past President Edna will chair the committee
  • take part in one manual labour project as a Rotary Club during the year
  • build on the hard work that Past President Edna and her team have completed and make our Club stronger going forward towards our millennial birthday celebrations

Finally, President Rick closed the meeting with the singing of O Canada.